Contributing to libENI

See Getting Started for how to build libENI.

Overview of libENI Code

The following image illustrates the libENI code hierarchy and the use of namespaces.


Directory Structure

Path Description
docs/ Documentations.
examples/ Examples of how to use libENI.
include/ Header files for libENI.
lib/ Implementations for libENI.
test/ All tests for libENI and its examples.
tools/ Tools and modules for libENI.

Report an Issue

Please provide the following information as much as possible.

  • The version (commit-ish) your using.
  • Your platform, environment setup, etc.
  • Steps to reproduce the issue.
  • Your expected result of the issue.
  • Current result of the issue.

Create a Pull Request

  • Fork from the master branch.
  • Avoid to create merge commits when you update from master by using git rebase or git pull --rebase (instead of git merge).
  • Add test cases for your pull request if you’re proposing new features or major bug fixes.
  • Build and test locally before submit your pull request. See Getting Started for how to test libENI.

Please try to follow the existing coding style of libENI (although it is neither well-styled nor documented at this moment), which is basically based on LLVM coding standards.